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Grief, Hope and Renewal

In this module we are covering the topics of Grief, Hope and Renewal. The driving question is, “How does Jesus comfort us in our grief so we can then comfort others in theirs?” We’ll discuss how carrying someone else’s grief and struggle can expose places within us that need healing and renewal. God can comfort us in those places so that we can then turn and comfort others towards hope and healing as well.


Video: Grief, Hope and Renewal

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Reflect + Respond Guide

Download, print, complete. It’s that simple! These one-pagers are designed to help you process what you’re learning more in-depth.



Dad Interview: Peter Mutabazi

Watch as Jason interviews Peter Mutabazi - a single foster and adoptive dad in North Carolina who grew up as a street kid in Uganda - until one day a family welcomed him in and changed his life. His story has been featured on every major media outlet including NBC, Fox, CBS, The Today Show, Good Morning America and SO MANY more!

I grew up as a street kid in Uganda until one family welcomed me in. I want to provide that same security for other kids who need a safe place to live.
— Peter

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Prefer to listen to the interview instead?

We’ve uploaded the audio of the interview with Peter so you can listen anytime, anywhere.


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Grieving the Loss of Your Life for the One You Now Have

Why can’t simple things just be simple? Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we didn’t do hard things? Of course. But here we are. Grieving the loss of a life we thought we would have in exchange for a more beautifully complicated version.

Foster Care: An Invitation Into an Entirely New Normal

I found you simply cannot bring brokenness into your home and not be broken by it. You cannot hold abused innocence in your arms and not on some level lose a sense of your own innocence because of it.

Surprised by Foster Care: Five Ways It’s Not What I Thought it Would Be

We used to be concerned about the effect fostering would have on our biological kids. Now, after the fact, we’ve become more concerned about the effect NOT fostering would have had on our kids.

Foster Care: Loving a Child That Might Leave

In the end, our call is to fully love these children while we have them and accept the costs we may incur as worth it for the gain they may receive. This is nothing more than what Jesus has done for us.



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