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Marriage, Family and Soul Health

In this second module we are covering the topics of Marriage, Family and Soul Health. The driving question is, “How are we as men pursuing health in our marriages, in our parenting and in our own personal lives?” This module covers a lot ground, so we’ve broken up the teaching portions into three separate sections: Marriage, Kids + Family, Soul Health. Each of them are uniquely focused on how we as husbands, dad and men can be intentional about building healthy rhythms in these vital areas of our lives.


Video: Part 1 - Marriage

Watch as Jason discusses the importance of intentionally pursuing relational connection with your wife throughout the foster care journey.


Video: Part 2 - Kids and Family

As dads, we have the opportunity to cultivate a gospel-rich narrative within the culture of our homes in which our kids can grow safe, strong and secure.


Video: Part 3 - Soul Health

Guys, we can’t pour out what we’re not already filled with. Let’s talk about what it means for us to pursue being healthy spiritually, emotionally and physically.



Reflect + Respond Guide

Download, print, complete. It’s that simple! These one-pagers are designed to help you process what you’re learning more in-depth.



Dad Interview: Widodo Krisman

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One of the greatest joys in this for us as men is the opportunity give children unconditional love and grace from a father, which ultimately comes from the Father.
— Widodo

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Prefer to listen to the interview instead?

We’ve uploaded the audio of the interview with Widodo so you can listen anytime, anywhere.


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The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Marriage in Foster Care

In the end, we want to be closer, more connected and experiencing greater depths of intimacy through our journey - but these things do not just happen, they must be intentionally pursued, cultivated and fought for.

Foster Care and What I Feared Most for My Own Kids

We used to be concerned about the effect fostering would have on our biological kids. Now, after the fact, we’ve become more concerned about the effect NOT fostering would have had on our kids.

Why Ministry Isn’t a Marathon, and Sometimes the Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do is Take a Break

You simply can’t survive this for the long-haul without stopping and resting every once in a while. Your family and these kids need you - they need you healthy and whole, because you can’t pour into them what you don’t have in yourself.

The Fight for Social Justice Starts Within (PDF)

To sustain this good work, our commitment to justice and mercy must be paired with an even stronger commitment to cultivating a vibrant inner life rooted in Christ. (downloadable PDF)



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