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Church Planting: Identifying Liabilities


Church Planting: Identifying Liabilities

Inherent in all church plants, and church planters, are certain liabilities that will actively work against their vision and ultimate success. Perhaps it’s personality issues, a lack of gifting in certain areas, organizational ineptness or more seriously, chronic sin issues. 


Church Planting: Communicating Vision


Church Planting: Communicating Vision

Defining clear vision is essential in church planting. In most cases planters are starting something from nothing. You may not have people, money, a name for your church or a clue what you are doing, but you do have vision. The most basic, fundamental resource you have at your disposal is vision. Upon it everything is formed.


Why I Am Starting A Blog


Why I Am Starting A Blog

The older I get the more I learn to knock on wood when I say the word NEVER. Like, "I will never have TV screens in my car for my kids" or "I will never pay someone to mow my yard". Both, at this stage of life, have become essentials...