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Viewing entries tagged
the gospel

Foster Care and What I Feared Most For My Own Kids


Foster Care and What I Feared Most For My Own Kids

We are in the middle of building a home right now. The process has been fun, especially since our girls are for the most part old enough to enjoy it with us. They get excited about their new rooms, their new neighborhood and their new friends next door and down the street. It's also brought up several interesting conversations with them - most notably ones about how many more sisters they want in our family and where their rooms are going to be in the new house. On some level they understand something just as much as my wife and I do - this house is not just for us. 



Jesus, The Judge & The Orphan

As lawyers, case workers and court clerks scurried around the court room, we sat waiting - ignorant of the process but eager to see it end. We assumed our role would be minimal, more as a silent presence than an active participant. We were wrong. 

It was trial day. Nearly a year had gone by since a beautiful 3 day old baby girl was brought to our house by child protective services.

